CYRISMA Version 2.41 released on November 1, 2023

CYRISMA’s Version 2.41, released on November 1, 2023, includes multiple bug fixes and feature enhancements including a new Debian-based Linux Agent, the ability to multi-decommission agents and targets, multiple enhancements in the patch management capability,...
Cyber Risk Management in a New Digital Landscape

Cyber Risk Management in a New Digital Landscape

To manage cyber risk effectively at a time when workloads and databases are moving online and everything is connected, organizations need to take a holistic view of their digital environments, assess cyber threats in a wider context, and reimagine security. In our...

CYRISMA will be at IT Nation Connect 2023!

CYRISMA’s Liam Downward, Michael Lyons and Jim Nelson will be at IT Nation Connect 2023 in Orlando, Florida, from November 8 to November 10, 2023. Come see us at Booth#1225! Learn more
Beyond Vulnerability Management: Managing Cyber Risk Holistically

Beyond Vulnerability Management: Managing Cyber Risk Holistically

To keep your organization secure against cyber threats in an age when data and workloads are dispersed across multiple computing environments, you need take an all-encompassing approach to risk management. Vulnerability management, while essential, is just one piece...
Establishing Accountability in the Data Protection Process

Establishing Accountability in the Data Protection Process

With organizational data getting dispersed across computing systems – including on-prem devices and cloud apps and databases – data protection has become more complex. To protect their critical and sensitive data effectively, organizations need to create a...