In cybersecurity, vulnerabilities – published and tracked as Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) – are weaknesses in software or hardware that can be exploited to compromise system integrity, confidentiality, and availability. These vulnerabilities can have various impacts depending on their nature, the popularity of software or system components they affect, and the extent to which they are exploited.

This blog post explores some common types of CVEs and their descriptors – what they mean and their potential impact.


Remote Code Execution Vulnerability


A Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability is one of the most severe types of security flaws. It falls under the Arbitrary Code Execution category and allows an attacker to run malicious code on a target machine or within a network without physical access to the system. This type of CVE can be leveraged for various malicious activities, such as deploying malware, stealing sensitive data, or taking control of affected systems.

A well-known RCE vulnerability in recent years was the Log4J or Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228). This was a critical vulnerability discovered in December 2021 within the widely used Apache Log4j 2 logging library. The vulnerability stemmed from the way Log4j 2 handled certain user inputs within logs. By crafting a special message containing malicious code, attackers could trick the library into executing that code on the vulnerable system.

Log4Shell was considered a critical vulnerability due to several factors:

  • Ease of Exploitation: Exploiting the vulnerability was relatively simple, requiring minimal technical expertise.
  • Widespread Use: Log4j 2 is a popular library used in countless software applications and services. This meant a vast number of systems were potentially vulnerable.
  • Remote Code Execution: The vulnerability allowed attackers to execute any code they desired on the compromised system, granting them complete control.

The full extent of the damage caused by Log4Shell is difficult to quantify. However, it’s known to have been exploited in various cyberattacks, causing significant disruption and financial losses.


Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability


An Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerability, also known as a privilege escalation vulnerability, occurs when an attacker gains unauthorized access to higher privileges within a system. This is typically achieved by exploiting security flaws, weaknesses, or configuration oversights.

An attacker might use a local privilege escalation exploit to move from a standard user account to an administrator account, gaining the ability to make system-wide changes and access sensitive data.

A recent example was CVE-2024-21410, which impacted Microsoft’s Exchange Server software. The CVE could be exploited in a specific type of cyberattack known as an NTLM relay attack where an attacker could trick a vulnerable Exchange Server into impersonating a legitimate user.

What made this vulnerability critical was that malicious actors wouldn’t need to be physically present on the network or have valid credentials to exploit it. If exploited successfully, attackers could gain administrator-level access to the compromised Exchange Server. This would them extensive control over the system, including the ability to steal data, disrupt operations, install malware, or launch further attacks within the network.

Because Microsoft Exchange Server is widely used by organizations, the vulnerability impacted a large number of systems.


Vulnerability Chaining

Attackers often combine multiple vulnerabilities to enhance the impact of their attacks. For instance, an attacker might first exploit an RCE vulnerability to gain a foothold within a system. They can then leverage an EoP vulnerability to escalate their privileges, allowing them to execute more severe and widespread attacks. This technique, known as vulnerability chaining, can result in debilitating breaches.

The impact of an EoP vulnerability can be significant, as it allows attackers to perform actions that are normally restricted, such as installing software, changing system configurations, and accessing confidential information. This can lead to further exploitation and deeper penetration into the network.


Authentication Bypass Vulnerability


Authentication bypass vulnerabilities occur when an attacker can circumvent the authentication mechanism of an application, gaining unauthorized access to systems and data. This often involves exploiting flaws in the authentication process, such as weak passwords, poor session management, or vulnerabilities in the authentication protocol itself.

A common example is the use of SQL injection to bypass login forms by injecting malicious SQL queries that trick the system into granting access without proper credentials.

Authentication bypass vulnerabilities can have severe consequences, allowing attackers to impersonate legitimate users, access sensitive data, and potentially escalate their privileges within the system. This undermines the fundamental security principle of authentication and can lead to significant breaches.


Buffer Overflow Vulnerability


A Buffer Overflow vulnerability arises when a program writes more data to a buffer, or a block of memory, than it can hold. This overflow can overwrite adjacent memory, leading to unexpected behavior, crashes, or the execution of malicious code.

The infamous Heartbleed bug in the OpenSSL cryptographic library was a buffer overflow vulnerability that allowed attackers to read sensitive data from the memory of affected systems.

Buffer overflow vulnerabilities can lead to system crashes, data corruption, and arbitrary code execution, potentially giving attackers full control over the affected systems. This can result in significant data breaches and system downtime.


Memory Corruption Vulnerability


Memory Corruption vulnerabilities occur when a program’s memory is altered in an unintended way, often due to programming errors. This can lead to unpredictable behavior, crashes, and security breaches.


Use After Free

A classic example is the “use-after-free” vulnerability, where a program continues to use memory after it has been freed, potentially allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Memory corruption vulnerabilities can lead to system instability, data corruption, and arbitrary code execution, posing significant security risks. They can be difficult to detect and exploit, making them a persistent threat.


Denial of Service Vulnerability


A Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability allows an attacker to render a system or network unavailable to its intended users by overwhelming it with excessive requests or exploiting resource-handling weaknesses.

DoS attacks can cause significant downtime, disrupt business operations, and lead to financial losses. They can also be used as a smokescreen for other malicious activities, such as data theft or system infiltration.




Understanding common CVE types and terminology and their potential impact forms an important part of a well-rounded cybersecurity education. Each type of CVE stems from different root causes, presents unique challenges and requires specific mitigation strategies to protect against exploitation. Familiarity with at least the more well-known CVE types can provide critical context to non-technical decisionmakers when evaluating vulnerability management programs and investment in mitigation measures.

By implementing best practices in software development, system configuration, vulnerability scanning, patch management, and user education, organizations can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to CVE exploitation.


How CYRISMA can help


CYRISMA in an all-in-one cyber risk management platform with capabilities for Vulnerability and Patch Management, Sensitive Data Protection, Secure Configuration Scanning and Assessment, GRC and a lot more!

Leverage the easy-to-use, competitively priced platform to address cyber risk in a holistic and cost-effective manner.

In G2’s just-released Summer 2024 Reports, CYRISMA was awarded the “Best Estimated ROI” badge in the Risk-Based Vulnerability Category, and the “Momentum Leader” badge in Vulnerability Scanner, Risk-Based Vulnerability Management and Sensitive Data Discovery categories.

Read CYRISMA’s reviews on G2 here, and if you like what you see, sign up for a demo!