CYRISMA’s powerful feature-set now includes Microsoft Copilot Readiness Assessment! With the new feature, organizations can assess their data protection controls and ensure that their sensitive data remains secure as they leverage the transformational capabilities of Microsoft Copilot.

The Assessment builds on CYRISMA’s Microsoft 365 Data Scanning capability, and enables users to examine their Copilot readiness under four categories:

  • User Information
  • Organizational Profile
  • Productivity Tools
  • Data Security.

After answering all the questions included in the assessment questionnaire, users can generate a detailed Copilot Readiness Assessment Report to share with stakeholders.


How to perform the Assessment – Overview


  • Set up Integration with Microsoft 365: Follow the Process Guide to set up Microsoft 365 API credentials
  • Scan Microsoft 365 apps: Scan your own or your clients’ M365 apps – SharePoint, OneDrive, Mailboxes – for sensitive data
  • Answer Assessment Questions: Complete the Copilot Readiness Assessment questionnaire to reveal blocks and vulnerabilities.
    • Answer questions under the four main readiness assessment categories: User Information, Organizational Profile, Productivity Tools, Data Security.
    • You can also assign questions or specific sections to other users or employees for completion.
    • The assessment exercise identifies major the blocks in Copilot deployment, and you will need to address serious risks before rolling out Copilot
  • Upload Evidence: Upload evidence documents; assign tasks to specific users or data owners if needed.
  • Mitigate Risks: Close the security gaps identified in the assessment.
  • Generate Assessment Report: Generate a comprehensive report to share with executives and stakeholders. You can also add your own takeaways and recommendations to this report.
  • Look at Microsoft Secure Score: Look at the Microsoft Secure Score section to get an all-round picture of Microsoft Cloud security


What’s included in the Assessment Report?


  • The assessment report includes findings under the four main categories that are examined: User Information, Organizational Profile, Productivity Tools, and Data Security.
  • You get an overall readiness score, as well as scores under each of the four categories.
  • The report also tells you how many blocks were identified under each category, a description of the blocks, the number of files shared/uploaded, and which of your team members were involved in the assessment.
  • You can see everything that was scanned, and the number of files identified under each sensitivity label, for example Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Passport Numbers, Passwords and so on.
  • The assessment report can be white-labeled, meaning you can add your own organization’s branding or logo to it.
  • You can also add your own conclusion with key takeaways, recommendations and next steps.

We recommend setting up a regular assessment cadence for continued visibility and effective management of the data that Microsoft Copilot interacts with.


Why it is important to assess your Microsoft Copilot readiness


A readiness assessment for Microsoft Copilot and other GenAI platforms is a strategic investment. It paves the way for seamless, secure and compliant AI adoption, with your organization avoiding either accidental or malicious exposure of sensitive data while leveraging GenAI for operational excellence.


  • Technical compatibility – The assessment identifies potential compatibility issues between Copilot and your existing software or infrastructure. This allows for proactive fixes and avoids disruptions during deployment.
  • Sensitive data protection – Once you have visibility into your sensitive data, where it is stored, and who has access to it, you can take steps to secure this data before you allow GenAI platforms or those using these platforms to read or use this data.
  • Strong data governance – The readiness assessment, along with data scanning, helps you manage the data accessed and generated by Copilot more effectively. You get to know your Microsoft 365 data, and can modify access permissions based on the principle of least privilege.
  • Regulatory compliance – A comprehensive assessment will reveal any data security gaps prior to deployment and you can close these gaps and continue to adhere to internal and external data privacy regulations as you leverage Copilot for productivity gains.
  • Trust-building and competitive advantage – With a 100-percent readiness compliance report, you can demonstrate your commitment to protecting your partners’ and customers’ data, build trust and gain an advantage over competitors
  • Confident AI adoption – A readiness assessment with a focus on data security will also help you adopt cutting-edge AI solutions and innovate without having to worry about non-compliance, data breaches, and inadvertent leaks.


Data in cloud environments multiplies quickly, and as organizations adopt GenAI platforms at scale, data governance can become extremely complex. Automating data discovery, classifying this data by sensitivity, and taking steps to tighten access controls and secure exposed data prior to GenAI deployment can prevent costly breaches.


CYRISMA’s Complete Feature-set


Microsoft Copilot Readiness Assessment is just one part of CYRISMA’s broader cyber risk management ecosystem. The all-in-one platform includes capabilities for:

  • Vulnerability Scanning, Assessment and Patch Management
  • Sensitive Data Discovery and Data Protection (on-prem and cloud)
  • Secure Configuration Scanning (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Active Directory Monitoring (on-prem and Azure)
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Microsoft Secure Score
  • Compliance Tracking and Assessment (HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2, NIST CSF, CIS CSC, Essential 8, Cyber Essentials)
  • Risk Quantification in multiple currencies
  • Cyber Risk Assessment and Reporting
  • Cyber Risk Score Cards
  • Cyber Risk Mitigation


ALL these capabilities and upcoming features are included in the standard pricing. No hidden costs!

To request a demo, click here.